Press Conference on Tort Reform with Governor McMaster

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We’re at a pivotal moment, and we need your voice to help make a real difference! Please join Governor Henry McMasterSenate Majority Leader Shane Massey, and other key leaders for an important press conference on Wednesday, March 5th at 11:30 AM inside the South Carolina Statehouse to rally support for S.244, the comprehensive tort reform bill, also known as the SC Justice Act.

This is a call to all South Carolina businesses — from small shops to large corporations — to show up in full force. Tort reform affects every industry, from healthcare and construction to education and beyond. We need a massive showing of support as the South Carolina Senate is about to begin debating this crucial bill. 

Here’s how you can help:

  • Show up — Your presence matters!
  • Wear your work attire — Wear clothing that reflects your profession, such as construction hard hats, reflective vests, scrubs, team gear, or anything else related to your work. (Business attire is not required.) We want to flood the SC Statehouse with visible support and show the legislature that the business community is unified in advocating for reform.
  • Stand together — We need a strong turnout to send a powerful message that it’s time for meaningful reform to reduce unnecessary legal burdens and create a safer environment for all South Carolinians. You will not be required to speak, but we need a showing of people for this, so please do what you can to attend.

Event Details:

  • Date: Wednesday, March 5th
  • Time: 11:00 AM (Plan to meet on the steps at 10:45 AM)
  • Location: South Carolina Statehouse
  • Dress Code: Wear attire that reflects your profession (e.g., hard hats, vests, etc.)

This is a critical moment for our economy, safety, and the future of South Carolina. By showing up in force, we can send a clear message to lawmakers that we support S.244 and the hard work of our legislative leaders to bring about meaningful tort reform.

Attached, you’ll find a briefing document that outlines the importance of the SC Justice Act and the key provisions it contains. For parking information and driving directions, [click here].

Please join us and help make sure our voices are heard loud and clear at this crucial event. Let’s come together and show that South Carolina’s businesses are committed to a brighter, fairer future for all. 


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